Neurosurg Rev-Surgical management of Chiari I malformation based on different cerebrospinal fluid flow patterns at the cranial-vertebral junction
趙海軍等(神外5)-Neurosurg Rev-Surgical management of Chiari I malformation based on different cerebrospinal fluid flow patterns at the crania2018-07-16
neuropsychiatry-the neuropsychological efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in 56 children with catastrophic epilepsy
王雄飛等(神外1)-neuropsychiatry-the neuropsychological efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in 56 children with catastrophic epilepsy(IF 4.72018-07-16
neuropsychiatry-Comorbidities of Refractory Epilepsy and the Update Mechanism
王雄飛等(神外1)-neuropsychiatry-Comorbidities of Refractory Epilepsy and the Update Mechanism(IF 4.778).(論文詳情,請下載附件)。2018-07-16
neuropsychiatry-schizophrenialike psychosis of epilepsy from clinical characters to underlying mechanisms
王茜等(癲癇中心)-neuropsychiatry-schizophrenialike psychosis of epilepsy from clinical characters to underlying mechanisms(IF 4.778).(論文2018-07-16
neuropsychiatry-Age Effect on Cognition Improvements after Unilateral Anterior Temporal Lobectomy in Adults with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
王茜等(癲癇中心)-neuropsychiatry-Age Effect on Cognition Improvements after Unilateral Anterior Temporal Lobectomy in Adults with Temporal L2018-07-16
Epilepsy Res-Treatment for Patients with Recurrent Intractable Epilepsy after Primary Hemispherectomy
2018-07-16 15:32 作者:三博腦科醫(yī)院
陳思暢、關(guān)宇光等(神外1)-Epilepsy Res-Treatment for Patients with Recurrent Intractable Epilepsy after Primary Hemispherectomy(IF 2.367).(論文詳情,請下載附件)。